Difference between even and odd prime and rational numbers.
Difference between even and odd prime and rational numbers.
Even numbers:
Even numbers are those numbers which can be divided by 2.For example 2,4,6,8,1000 200 250 are the example of even no which are completely divisible by 2.
odd numbers:
The numbers which can not be divided by 2 are called odd numbers.For example the number 3,5,7,11,21,33,99,9999,73 are odd because they are not divisible by 2.
You can differentiate a number is odd or even you have to divide that no by 2.If it is completely divisible by 2 it means it is even.IF it is not divisible by 2 than its odd.
Prime numbers:
A prime no is a positive number greater than 1 that is divisible by itself or by 1.
1 is not a prime no because it has only one factor but prime numbers have two factors.For example 2,is divisible by 1 and 2 it self so 2 has two factors that are 1 and 2.but 1 has only 1 factor that is 1.
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